Monday, July 20, 2009

Facebook: Taking Over Our Lives One Friend at a Time

I've been dying to do a comic that involves Facebook and hope to do more in the future. Cell Phones and social networking sites like Facebook and Twitter are slowly taking over our free time and integrating themselves into our everyday lives. TV shows and printed media, like comics, all use things like cell phones, internet, and other technologies in their content daily now. Remember watching those great shows like MacGyver where all you needed was duct tape and a pocket knife to solve your problems? Classic characters of the 80's never had need for things like cell phones and Twitter. Crazy how things change, eh?


Ryan Thayne said...

Its funny because its true. Its also a little disconcerting for the same reason.

Lance Fry said...

Don't worry. Us secretive types would never post our relationship status anyway, am I right? :)

Katie said...

that is too funny. I love it. Thanks!

Autumn Hill said...

That is too funny. I showed my sister (she's huge into Facebook) and she laughed so hard.

Mike Laughead said...

You are awesome. That strip was sweet. So are any of these characters actually you with a different haircut? I always put myself in things so I'm just curious.

Lance Fry said...

I'm not creative enough to project myself into only one character. Each character emphasizes different parts of my personality and ideals. Some stories though are inspired by true stories experienced by either myself or my close friends.