Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Illustration Friday: Open

Nothing says open like the open range! Of course, most people don't think of a wild hog farm being managed by ostrich cowboys when they think of the open range. I did this awhile back, in sepia ink and watercolor on 140 lb. arches watercolor paper. Enjoy the open range ya'll!

Oh, and don't forget to vote for me in the Forums for the competition!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Snail like progress

Surely but slowly I progress on my painting. I've been sick the past week so I haven't moved much, let alone got up to paint. Here is the color comp I did today in preparation for my final painting. I hope I can make the painting as fresh as color comps and sketches....sigh.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

On the Drawing Board

It's been awhile since I've posted anything new. This is a near final sketch of something I have been working on. I'm still looking for work and making illustrations and this will hopefully be something that can aid me in that attempt. Enjoy!