Saturday, November 5, 2011

Praying with Friends

This is another illustration I did for Friend magazine this year. I believe it was for September or October. It was a fun assignment as you can see. I typically enjoy drawing peoples eyes, but since this article was about praying all the kids had to have their eyes closed. I still think it turned out pretty good. I've also been busy in my free time illustrating 4 book covers for a young kids book series. Once they get printed, I'll be able to post a few as examples. Hopefully they print sometime before spring, if not sooner.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Marriage and Death

So after 6 months I finally found time to ink the comic that was posted back in February as a work in progress. Adding color takes even more time so I just stopped after inking. Nothing really more to say other than I wish I could post more, but I'm either too lazy or too distracted to find time to draw/paint or otherwise create something cool to post online. Thanks to those few who patiently wait for new posts though.

Friday, July 1, 2011

Long time no write

I think it's obvious to everyone that I'm not an avid blog updater. Sure, I could have posted lots of things in the past 6 months, but with Facebook taking up most of that energy, this blog doesn't get much attention.

This here is something I did for the Friend magazine earlier in the spring. Fun article, semi-fun illustrations. This one here is actually a combination of two illustrations that I thought would go well together as one. Want the whole story? Go buy your copy of the Friend in LDS bookstores.

Hopefully I can be posting more interesting things more often in the future. Thanks guys!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Work in Progress

This past month or so I've been working on a book cover and with my other job I haven't had a lot of time to do comics like I sometimes do. I was thinking I'd be able to ink and finish the comic by the end of the week or so, but I couldn't really wait so I've decided to post a work in progress version of the latest comic. When I do eventually finish the comic, I'll most likely post it next to the work in progress one so those interested can compare any differences between my rough pencils and my finished inked line. I apologize to any avid and patient fans who have long awaited for another comic.